JACKYLED 16 Pack Solar Deck Lights Waterproof Outdoor Step Lights for Deck Stair Fence Railing Wall Garden Backyard
(75% オフ)
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JACKYLED 16 Pack Solar Deck Lights Waterproof Outdoor Step Lights for Deck Stair Fence Railing Wall Garden Backyard は、75% お得
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<br /> Soft Warm Glow: The solar deck light casts a 3000K warm white light with just the right amount of light without glare, complementing your backyard for a cozy, relaxed ambience.<br/><br />Shine with Solar Power: The solar step light is equipped with an advanced polysilicon solar panel that is proven to absorb more energy from the sun. It automatically charges during the day and turns on when nights come.<br/><br /> Safer with Solar Lights: JACKYLED solar outdoor lights are widely used on decks, steps, stairs, fences, railings, pools, patios, walls, paths, etc. They provide enough light to accent the deck steps at night, so you can find your way without tripping or missing a step.<br/><br /> IP65 Waterproof & Durable: Its high-quality casing material ABS and weatherproof feature guarantee the JACKYLED fence light's durability. These solar fence lights can survive any weather conditions, including heat, rain, and snow.<br/><br /> Easy to Install: Screws and adhesive tapes are included. If you don't want to drill holes in the deck rail, secure the solar lights with adhesive tapes.
  • 重さ: 1.48 LB
  • 高さ : 1.9 IN
  • 長さ: 3.1 IN
  • 重さ: 1.7 IN

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These stair lights are incredibly bright and come with screws and holes to keep them secure. They are great for dark areas and provide a soft glow at night. They are worth the money and highly recommended.


  • Long-lasting charge
  • Bright illumination
  • Easy to install
  • Soft glow at night


  • Some lights not working
  • Long-lasting charge
  • Bright illumination
  • Easy to install
  • Soft glow at night

JACKYLED 16 Pack Solar Deck Lights Waterproof Outdoor Step Lights for Deck Stair Fence Railing Wall Garden Backyard

(75% オフ)
shippingIcon送料無料配達予定 June 14 -June 21
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