In a shifting landscape in dementia risk factors, cardiovascular health is now taking precedence, according to new research.
Research shows elite athletes experience pain differently than everyday people. Here’s why, and how we can learn to deal with ...
June 28, 2024 -- Steak and eggs in the morning, salmon at noon, and turkey burgers in the evening might sound like a typical ...
Like clockwork, the summer resurgence of COVID-19 has become as expected as the changing of seasons. Here's what to know ...
Welcome, everyone. I'm Dr. John Whyte. I'm the chief medical officer at WebMD. I'm here at the American Society of Clinical ...
What is donepezil used for? Donepezil is commonly used to treat mild, moderate, and severe dementia related to Alzheimer’s disease. Donepezil may also be used for other conditions as determined ...
What is triamterene used for? Triamterene is a diuretic, also called a water pill, that may be used to reduce edema (fluid retention) caused by the following conditions. Triamterene is commonly ...
What is omeprazole used for? Omeprazole is used to treat heartburn and certain other conditions caused by too much acid in the stomach. Omeprazole is available as Prilosec, Prilosec OTC, and ...
June 26, 2024 – A potentially deadly mosquito-borne illness sometimes called “breakbone fever” is reaching record levels this ...