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L4U7 MSc International Social and Public Policy (Development) Closed Closed M1T5 MSc International Social and Public Policy (Education) Closed Closed L4UQ MSc International Social and Public Policy ...
If the price of eggs had risen at the same rate as the price of housing land, a dozen eggs would have cost £91.28 by 2008. - Professor Paul Cheshire The damaging effects of the UK’s housing crisis are ...
Join our webinar for graduate offer holders to get information about what to expect when you arrive at LSE. Get updates from Graduate Admissions, and an overview of the next steps you need to take in ...
First I will introduce the key themes of my recent book, Escape From Model Land, with a focus on applications in climate modelling and climate services. I will then discuss an example taken from some ...
The Climate Election 2024 tool aims to gather the views of candidates in each constituency on climate change and the UK’s net zero targets. You decide how you vote, but we hope to inform your decision ...
Please ask your candidate if they fully support the UK’s commitment to reaching net zero by 2050, to the target for 2030 announced at COP26 in Glasgow in 2021, and whether if elected they will work to ...
The government’s austerity spending cuts cost the average person in the UK nearly half a year in life expectancy between 2010 and 2019, according to a new working paper published today by the ...
We are happy to announce this year’s winner of the LSE Class Teacher Award 2024 for the LSE Philosophy Department. Congratulations to Dominic Ryder! Further, we would like to highlight the people that ...
The UK is off track to meet its legal climate obligations. The public needs to know that candidates in the General Election are committed to put that right. ‘Climate Election 2024’ has been set up to ...
Climate Change is the biggest material threat that faces the world. Together we can defeat it. We all have a part to play and already the UK has led the way. The Climate Change Act, passed in 2008, ...