The Food and Drug Administration recently approved Augtyro for the treatment of patients ages 12 and older with solid tumors ...
As someone who watched her father battle cancer, I can tell you firsthand how much of a difference a great oncology nurse can ...
Meg is a two-time ovarian cancer survivor (2014 & 2023). She enjoys walking, biking, tai chi and yoga as well as spending ...
Understanding the Disease, Treatments Help Patients Navigate a CML Diagnosis ...
For survivors who had received cisplatin chemotherapy, an expert advised routine hearing checks and wearing earplugs in loud ...
Following promising European trial results, a new peptide vaccine for melanoma is being studied in America, with results ...
More frequent immunoglobulin G testing was associated with a decreased risk of severe infections in patients with CLL and non ...
“Everything happens for a reason,” is among some of the unhelpful things you can say to someone with cancer. Recently, I read ...
Understanding the Disease, Treatments Help Patients Navigate a CML Diagnosis ...
Patients with early-stage gastric cancer may consider stomach-preserving surgery, as it led to better quality-of-life and ...
For patients with endometrial cancer that is dMMR, the two new drug approvals lead to more options, with a new option for patients with pMMR disease, too.
Sometimes, laughter really is the best medicine, so I tried to maintain a sense of humor through my cancer treatments.