Former Love Island contestant Curtis Pritchard has provided fans with an update on his relationship status, confirming his ...
The Justice Department will press on with its two criminal cases against Donald Trump past the election even if the ...
Egypt’s new Cabinet was sworn in Wednesday as the country faces an ailing economy and raging conflicts in neighboring nations.
EXCLUSIVE: More partners have joined ARD’s German political thriller series Dangerous Truth (Das Zweite Attentat).
Jamaicans are bracing for the impact of a deadly hurricane which looks set to hit the Caribbean island later on Wednesday.
If you own a cat, you might ― despite loving them ― wonder why they act that way. We’ve shared before how the noises and ...
又是TikTok!過去不少屁孩為了拍攝惡作劇影片在網路爆紅而引發社會問題,如今1名自稱是新北市國一生的長髮妹子在西門捷運站,跨越站內大廳欄杆直接進站,更稱「暑假太無聊,只能自己找樂子」。對此,北捷表示,可處1,500元罰鍰,當事人並須支付票價50倍的 ...
Hurricane Beryl has ripped across the Caribbean with winds of 150mph tearing roofs from buildings, uprooting trees and ...
高雄市衛生局表示,市府防疫團隊將轄內大型建築工地列為登革熱高風險場域,加強巡查。其中一處工地近期遭3度查獲有孳生病媒蚊幼蟲,已責令停工,徹底進行環境整頓及噴藥滅蚊。(高雄市衛生局提供) ...
國會改革法案生效,民進黨立院黨團、行政院、總統 賴清德 及 監察院 聲請釋憲及暫時處分。 司法院 今天表示,憲法法庭就四案聲請暫時處分部分,定於10日下午2時行公開準備程序,旁聽及公開播送事宜將另行公告。