“Climate-driven megadrought” in the American West over the last two decades, which has marked the driest period on record in ...
If you want to do a two-for in terms of 14,000-foot peaks you can summit without special climbing and mountaineering skills ...
An afterschool club in partnership with the Smithsonian and the World Wildlife Fund aims to build environmental leadership ...
And up to 10 types of bacteria lives inside of each of these insects! Here are more bizarre bug facts that will totally freak ...
It’s a reproductive spectacle known as masting that’s common to many tree species, but European beeches are unique in their ...
June 30 marks Asteroid Day, a holiday observed annually to reflect on the prospect of a planet-destroying space rock striking ...
which occurred on this day (June 30) in 1908 over Siberia. An intense, heated blast took down nearly 1,300 square kilometers ...
Floodwaters along the Blue Earth River have wiped away so much from the Hruska family. Their home and family business is now gone, and about all that’s left are decades of memories shared by the ...
Some also worry the proposed development would expose the aged oak to the urban heat island effect — a phenomenon in which ...
The giant trees, swollen of trunk and stubby of canopy, are unmistakable. Baobabs can live for more than 1,000 years, acting as the keystone species in dry forest environments in Madagascar, a swathe ...
The UN-endorsed Asteroid Day commemorates the largest observed ... which felled around 80 million trees. This represented a lucky escape for Europe: it happened just a short rotation of Earth away ...