Any Washington resident younger than 25 can use the hotline, which is operated by the gun violence prevention nonprofit Sandy ...
For anyone who's looking for a bit of a break from the stressors that so often surround us in our daily lives, we're sharing ...
Today’s challenge is a light lift — simply pick up your phone and shoot off a text. Maybe it’s for someone you’ve lost touch with. Maybe it’s for someone you’re missing. Or maybe it’s for someone you ...
College life is challenging for any student, but for international students, the journey is filled with additional, often ...
Denhart has cycled through rehabs, sober housing, mental health hospitals, and 12-step programs to treat his bipolar and substance use disorders, but nothing worked.
May was Mental Health Awareness Month. During this month, there might have been some deeply personal conversations at work ...
It's Mental Health Awareness Week from 13th to 19th May 2024 ... Perhaps it's the release of endorphins or maybe it's the fact that I'm taking 30-45 minutes out of each crazy busy day to focus on me, ...
Make exercise a daily habit with this 30-day walking workout plan. Logging a walking streak will boost mental health, heart ...
The differences always seemed more mental and emotional ... something exceptional from normal business challenges that we all deal with every day. In summary, I agree with Mautz that a strong ...
Despite historic breakthroughs, technology is having to constantly evolve to confront humanity’s latest challenges ... such as mental health therapy through Oregon Reality Lab, but also ...
Document page views are updated periodically throughout the day and are cumulative counts for this document. Counts are subject to sampling, reprocessing and revision (up or down) throughout the day.
This can lead to long-term mental health challenges, especially for people who consider their ... bringing your full self into work each day is doing something on its own. Whatever is best for you, ...