UNEP and several partners are working to create refuges for marine life across the Gulf of Thailand and South China Sea.
In a move to renew and increate collaboration on the propriety issues of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and ...
The Republic of Azerbaijan will host World Environment Day 2026, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Republic of ...
UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen, at a press conference in Baku, announced that Azerbaijan is addressing climate change ...
The international community has, since the 1972 Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment, acknowledged that a healthy ...
Governments gathered in Geneva have advanced in the process to establish a science-policy panel on chemicals, waste and ...
The decision will require local governments to consider the long-term impact of burning fossil fuels when assessing the environmental footprint of oil and gas projects.
Regional Activity Centres (RACs) and institutions which form part of the Regional Activity Network (RAN) provide technical support to Contracting Parties to the Cartagena Convention and its Protocols.
This paper provides updated and new information on the export of used light-duty vehicles (LDVs) to the Global South by the ...
It is a pleasure to join you here today in Baku, a city that will, in just over 130 days, host the 29 th UN Climate Change ...
In the intersessional period of UNEA -6 to UNEA -7 it will be a busy period for civil society organizations accredited to UNEP. There are various activities that will be taking place as a follow up to ...
Alongside the hum of traffic, the soundtrack of most cities includes the noise of construction workers drilling, hammering ...