With the horny-handed sons of toil now in charge of the Ship of State I shall shortly be shifting to the crossbenches in the House of Lords to prepare for a recall to power, Ed confides to his diary.
For those written in the last week, our most popular stories on the site cover Altair buying MDA, atomic clocks, the ...
Startling financials from Nvidia are nothing new. Nearly 20 years ago, the company’s Q1 2006 figures were reported in these terms: ‘Silicon Valley-based ...
ispace has announced that its US subsidiary – ispace technologies US – has signed a cooperation agreement with the Swedish ...
Imec, UGent and Belnet, the Belgian National Research Network, have realised the first Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) links - ...
Astrobotic, a lunar logistics company, has unveiled its Lunar Surface Proving Ground (LSPG) – a constructed moonscape for ...
The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project in Saint Paul-lez-Durance, in the South of France will be ...
38,000 generative AI-related patents were filed by China in 2014-23 compared with 6,276 filed by the USA, out of a total of ...