Humans come in all shapes and sizes. The average human shape doesn’t exist, even though society likes to create its ideals.
Diet Coke-obsessed Paul Turner challenged himself to ditch his favourite drink for one month and saw a huge difference in his ...
But I did have a revelation of sorts. I realised that my glass of coke with a meal was not just for liquid refreshment - I ...
Paul Turner decided to kick his habit to the curb just to see if it would have any effects - and he couldn't believe the ...
One avid fan of the diet beverage decided to kick his habit for one month, and despite the challenges, the results were ...
I felt the need for fruit today, not a feeling I'm accustomed to - so I went out and bought some - also not like me. The ...
I wanted a slimmer waist and exercise alone and some dietary changes hadn't really made much difference. I also felt like I should shave off a little weight - but my waistline was my main motivation.
I desired a slimmer waist and found that exercise alone and minor dietary changes hadn't really made much of an impact. I also felt the need to lose a bit of weight - but my primary motivation was ...