Combining quad -burning walking lunges with core-building carries and explosive heart-rate spiking box jumps, this ...
Jumping lunges are a type of exercise that combines the benefits of lunges with an explosive jumping movement. They primarily target the muscles in the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings ...
Jumping lunges involve many muscular groups, which is why they help to improve lower body strength and cardiovascular fitness. A jumping lunge is also an effective weight loss exercise, as it can burn ...
Repeat on the other side. (A) Start in a lunge position with right angles at both knees. Brace your core and explode into a jump, adding a cardio element and introduces explosive power.
I feel quite chuffed with myself. On days five and six, I’m feeling particularly energetic so I decide to do some lateral lunges and jumping lunges to finish off the session and wow, the burn is ...
Some people like to step forward into the dragon lunge using a gentle twisting motion, while others prefer stepping backward and to the side as prescribed in the video. However, I wouldn’t jump ...
Use the lunge to high knee reps to (mentally) prepare for the jump lunges that follow. After three rounds of deadlift rows, goblet squats and glute bridges, we’re blasting the core from two ...
A personal trainer and strength coach outlines 10 of the worst exercises for bad knees and 10 better alternatives.
From specialized squats and side lunges to deadlifts, these exercises will get your thighs right for the summer.
A trainer breaks down 10 of his best-recommended form drills you should always do before a workout to enhance performance.
then pulse (2 to 3 inches up and down) for 10 sec. Next, perform jumping lunges for 30 sec, by pushing off left foot while driving right knee up (shown). Use momentum to jump off the ground with ...