Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to share an Instagram story featuring herself working out with her trainer, Sohrab Khushrushahi.
YouTuber Annie Long commits to waking up at the crack of dawn every day for week, to hit the gym at 5 am. Here's how she ...
The best weight benches allow you to train from home. The author, a personal trainer, shares her top picks based on personal ...
The yogi squat is one move I swear by for releasing tight hips and targeting the lower body. The bodyweight exercise, used ...
Since it is so short, I added it onto the end of a 15-minute dumbbell core workout as I figured it would be a good way to ...
If you sit all day, your glute muscles can weaken over time. Good mornings are a great way to improve posture and strengthen ...
The specific moves you pick for each pair matter. In a superset, your two paired exercises work opposing muscle groups, Watts ...
Squats are very effective at sculpting your hips. They target your thighs, and hips at the same time. They are easy to do and help you get rid of hip fat.
Good mornings are an exercise aptly named ... As you hinge forward at the hips, your hamstrings are actively engaged to control the movement. At the same time, your glutes are working to stabilize ...
Study demonstrates that six months of high-impact unilateral exercise significantly improves femoral neck bone density in ...