natural areas during the day. Aaron Echols, the conservation chair of the Riverside/San Bernardino California Native Plants ...
Many plants use a strategy called seed dormancy, which prevents seeds from germinating even under optimal conditions.
The Utah Lake Authority is tapping volunteers to help in a pilot project to restore native habitat to shoreline areas cleared ...
Want bulletproof plants for your landscape? Consider these hyperlocal L.A. plants that survived massive climate changes ...
Nielsen celebrated volunteerism and environmental action by recognizing our first-ever Global Volunteer Month, culminating in ...
It’s World UFO Day! And for movie lovers, that means only one thing – it’s time to have a close encounter of the film kind. ...
The pontiff's plan is to use the Vatican's multi-purpose land holdings 11 miles outside of Rome in an area called Santa Maria ...
Wolfspeed has delayed plans to build a $3 billion plant in Germany, highlighting the European Union's struggle to increase ...
One method of making electricity cleanly to address climate change has been quietly advancing and just hit a milestone.
In research published in the American Journal of Botany, University of Connecticut Department of Earth Sciences Assistant ...