While sleep is a universal human experience, the way we do so has varied greatly across cultures, social classes and even ...
It’s been 100 years since a Scottish runner refused to race on Sunday at the Olympics because of Christian beliefs. Devout ...
Picture yourself in a checkout line that hasn’t moved for 10 minutes. Many of us would feel frustrated; we want quick results. Everyone struggles with some degree of impatience. We’re born with this ...
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Savers have continued their dash for cash Isas with £4.2bn pouring into tax-free accounts in May, new Bank of England data shows. That comes after they stuck away a record £12.3bn in April and ...
Why am I here? Everyone wonders this at some point. Some theories suggest that we’re merely taking up space and will return to nothingness when we die. There are also people who say we are masters of ...
An Islamabad court today dismissed the appeal of former Prime Minister Imran Khan and his wife Bushr ...