Over 20 years ago, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stood before a crowd at Friday prayers to denounce the United ...
50,000 Egyptians registered - The cabinet statement said more than 50,000 Egyptians joined the pilgrimage officially, and that there were "31 deaths ... the two busiest days of hajj: Saturday, when ...
The Holy Father made the remarks as part of a papal message delivered ahead of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. That observance, established by the pope in 2015, is held on Sept.
The list below is not exhaustive, but offers some of the key milestones from the liturgical calendar as well as UN and other international days. You might want to add your own dates from the ...
Following the accident, President Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera directed that the nation should observe 21 days of mourning from ... July 6 should be marked by prayers because the country is ...
Composed days earlier with the help of FDR’s daughter and son-in-law, the words to the prayer had been published in the country’s newspapers. Inspired by the president’s worn copy of the ...
Soul Makers Ministry worldwide is set to celebrate this year’s Heart’s Day ... calendar and the moon, will hold between Sunday and next Wednesday. He urged individuals to render prayers ...
In these days since the June Normandy anniversary ... the last best hope of earth.” Meeker’s prayer followed Ken Burns’ jolting departure during a recent commencement address at Brandies University ...