Julie Berninger continues to make money on her blog, Etsy and business, Gold City Ventures. She recently founded an ...
“You’re at the bottom, looking up at a challenge ... are a reminder that fitness gurus are mere mortals, too. She has no plans to hop back on a treadmill or a bike days after giving ...
Are you tired of feeling stressed out and overwhelmed by the clutter in your home? Do you find yourself constantly search ...
30-day fitness and diet challenges are incredibly popular right now. Hardly a week goes by without a new challenge emerging on social media, promising amazing results in just a few short weeks. But ...
The Aussie franchise founded in 2013 has since swept all over the world offering undeniable results when it comes to fitness and fat ... same 45-minute class every day (hence the 45, while the ...
‘Any 28-day fitness challenge is long enough to get results, provided you are consistent and compliment the workouts with other lifestyle factors such as good nutrition, adequate rest and stress ...