Your body will be classified acidic or alkaline depending on how your body reacts to certain foods. The ideal pH of our blood for optimal health is around 7.35, which is neither too acidic or too ...
Beckham has championed the alkaline diet for years. Her celebrity has made this diet something many fans are curious enough to give a try. The list of foods to avoid if you follow an alkaline diet ...
The Mediterranean diet is more popular than ever. Here's everything you need to know about the benefits, what foods are ...
As the name suggests, the alkaline diet favours alkaline foods over acid-forming foods, and, as such, is believed change the body’s pH level for the better – helping you to manage your weight ...
Since cancer cells grow best in an environment that’s highly acidic, some have suggested that consuming a high-alkaline diet, including water with a high alkaline content, might prevent tumors ...
Here are 100 foods (with one bonus food) that start with the letter H. There are so many great foods that come from different parts of the world and will help you grow your recipe book! Check out ...
Experts say there is no scientific evidence behind the idea that alkaline foods are healthier than acidic ones. "It is not based on anything besides anecdotal evidence at this time," says Tracy ...
Greens powders don’t always list the content of all vitamins and ... they should not replace whole foods. You should still eat plenty of fresh greens, other vegetables, and a variety of healthy ...
In developing her recipes, Onyeneho followed the teachings of Dr. Sebi, an herbalist who touted an alkaline diet and advised avoiding acidic foods. Using his recommended list of ingredients ...