Ask her what pole exercises have brought to her life, and she, as we suspected, loves the challenge ... The doctor gave ...
With 30 days left and no candidate ... making her the state's first-ever woman Muslim MLA. Speaking exclusively with NDTV, Ms Firdous candidly recounted her unexpected political entry.
Full disclosure: when I was asked to spend a week doing wall squats every day ... challenge, at any rate. Anna Bartter is a freelance journalist who writes about health, fitness and women's ...
I switched flat road runs for two weeks of treadmill hill sprints to shake up my routine, boost my fitness, and work my lower ...
I decided to do 60 single-leg squats (30 on each leg) every day for a week, to shake up my routine and give my legs a challenge. Here’s how I got on. After focusing on the technique, I decided ...
But to really up the ante and make squats ... 30 seconds started to feel fiery, and then the remaining time was spent moving a little more, as I kept pausing to shake my legs out. By the end of the ...
One box might get checked more often than others: losing belly fat. Even with the rise of the infamous "dad bod," not ...
Dr Michael Mosley's greatest skill - and his lasting legacy - was his ability to distil complex scientific concepts into ...
In fact, progressive resistance training is thought to date back as far as Ancient Greece, when legend has it that six-time ...
The bubbly 30-year-old, who wrote her name into the history ... Incredibly, she only started weightlifting in 2016 during her student days at Leeds Beckett University to improve her strength ...
30-day fitness and diet challenges are incredibly popular right now. Hardly a week goes by without a new challenge emerging on social media ... For example, if you do 50 air-squats a day for a month, ...