After taking on a food challenge that involved eating 24 cottage pies in an hour a man ended up in a 10-hour food coma.
On Saturday, June 15, at 10 a.m., Big Juneteenth Celebration will be held at Newkirk Park, Clinton, N.C. Free food, ...
With the damaging consequences of social media increasingly well documented, many parents are trying to raise their children ...
When I say I’m bewildered by the phrase “unapologetically biblical,” this is not coming from a casual observer of American Christianity or American politics: I’ve been around the Bible since childhood ...
Our world faces many challenges, crises and forces of division — such as poverty, violence, and human rights abuses — among many others — that undermine peace, security, development and ...
“Who knew dandelions select when it’s time to disperse—or not? One day, I stumbled upon an article, ‘Engineers uncover secret ‘thinking’ behind dandelions’ seed dispersal,’ where bioengineer Dr. Naomi ...