Bashir Ziyadne has been lobbying for the release of two family members held in Gaza, citing the Israeli government's ...
Israelis looking for a nightly news broadcast now have a whopping five different options, following the launch of the i24 ...
Serious security breach is condemned by lawmakers * Democratic governors voice confidence in Biden amid questions about his ...
US president hammers the message that 'I'm in this race to the end' in meetings with party officials, amid attempt to salvage ...
Michael Levy, older brother of hostage Or Levy, says families of captives have no choice but to keep moving forward in effort ...
Senior Israeli official says terror group's updated proposal gives more room toward an agreement but stresses gaps still ...
Israel bracing for uptick in rocket, drone attacks after assassination of Muhammad Nimah Nasser, who led terror group's Aziz ...
We are thwarting the danger of a Palestinian state,' declares Smotrich as Civil Administration also set to approve 6,000 new ...
IDF chief says radical settlers who assaulted troops with stones and Molotov cocktails 'must be brought to justice in a swift ...
President reportedly made comment after coordinated defense downed 99% of Iran's projectiles in April attack; incident cited ...
Musician refuses to condemn terror onslaught, defends telling Israelis to 'go back to Eastern Europe or the US or wherever ...
The release of a Gaza hospital chief back into the terrorists' embrace is, of course, anybody's fault but that of the ...