After decades of uncertainty, a motley team of programmers has proved precisely how complicated simple computer programs can ...
Susan Clark is helping to unravel the mysterious workings of the Milky Way’s magnetic field, a critical missing piece of the ...
Two mathematicians have proved a long-standing conjecture that is a step on the way toward finding the worst shape for ...
Jay Bennett is a writer based in Copenhagen. He previously worked as a science editor at National Geographic, Smithsonian and Popular Mechanics.
Gregory Barber is a science and technology reporter in San Francisco and a McGraw Fellow at CUNY's Newmark J-School. He was previously a staff writer at Wired and was the 2023 winner of the ...
Large language models do better at solving problems when they show their work. Researchers are beginning to understand why. This Data is Current Loading... This Data is Current Loading... This Data is ...
For decades, a small group of mathematicians has patiently unraveled the mystery of what was once math’s most popular picture. Their story shows how technology transforms even the most abstract ...