Losing a fish is traumatic at the best of times, but all the worse when the culprit taking them from you is a third party. Garden ponds, unlike aquariums, are outside in the open and will naturally ...
Emma Turner spotlights a remarkable air-breathing loach that can survive for several hours out of water and, by its body actions, also predict storms. The Weather loach may not be the most flamboyant ...
Daunted by fertilisers and carbon dioxide? Danny Verboekend suggests it needn’t be so difficult to set up an algae-free, low maintenance aquascape at home. High-intensity lights and high-pressure ...
For many, an aquarium full of lush plant growth is the pinnacle of freshwater fishkeeping. Emulating professional aquascapes can be very difficult and costly but beginner-friendly planted tanks can be ...
The Dwarf gourami has long been among the most popular community fish, but in recent years its reputation as a hardy, easy-to-keep aquarium resident has taken a knock. So is it still worth keeping ...
Got a problem with algae in your aquarium? These fish will all earn their keep by helping to keep it under control... As our tanks become increasingly smaller we need to find similarly sized nano ...
A) NEALE MONKS REPLIES: Quite a lot of human food is perfectly safe to use when feeding your fish. White fish fillet is good, particularly Tilapia, cod and coley, but avoid oily fish as that tends to ...
Patriotic Nathan Hill goes native for his latest step-by-step aquarium project and salutes the best of British waterlife. It’s a jungle out there. Snarling, lip-curled predators lurk in dense mats of ...
A reader worries his shrimps will be safe sharing a tank with a Pleco. PFK expert Bob Mehan advises. My pleco, called Lochy (after the Loch Ness monster), is just over nine years old and about 32cm ...