The witness, Jose Uribe, a New Jersey trucking and insurance industry figure, has pleaded guilty to bribing the senator and ...
The nine-member court upheld the decision made by a district court judge in Tulsa last year, ruling that the plaintiff’s ...
The move may signal the beginning of a broad turn on the right against IVF, an issue that many social conservatives see as ...
France’s newsy week hasn’t been limited to a surge for the far right in the European Parliamentary elections, French President Emmanuel Macron’s snap dissolution of Parliament and a très-dramatic ...
House Republicans are moving forward with a vote this afternoon to hold AG MERRICK GARLAND in contempt of Congress for ...
Nearly half of Democrats, 49 percent, view Biden’s executive action as “about right” when it comes to addressing illegal immigration, according to the poll. Twenty-four percent of Democrats view the ...
Fed Chair Jerome Powell has said that an unexpected weakening in the job market would push him to cut rates sooner.
Low won the recount with five additional votes that guaranteed him the second spot on the November ballot. But he has ...
Harris does perform better than Joe Biden among African Americans, according to the POLITICO/Morning Consult poll. She also ...
And in the race to succeed Armstrong, Trump and Burgum both backed Public Service Commissioner Julie Fedorchak, who defeated ...
Nahal Toosi is POLITICO’s senior foreign affairs correspondent. She has reported on war, genocide and political chaos in a ...
ABOARD A U.S. MILITARY AIRCRAFT ABOVE THE ATLANTIC OCEAN — As defense chiefs gather in Brussels this week to talk about sending more weapons to Ukraine, U.S. and European officials are growing worried ...