The President of North Macedonia, Gordana Siljanovska, claimed that her country has largely fulfilled its obligations arising ...
It is idyllic but not easily accessible, so you will never find many people, not even at the peak of summer. If you visit ...
S&P upgraded the long-term credit rating of National to BB+ from BB, keeping the short-term credit rating at B and the ...
Coldplay’s new single ‘Feels Like I’m Falling in Love” is out June 21. Coldplay’s new music video was filmed earlier this ...
On Monday, July 1, at the Stavros Niarchos Hall, the Greek National Opera (GNO) held a press conference where Stavros ...
Greece is one of just eight countries with plans in place to meet its Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR) climate targets, ...
"I will ask the people of the party to renew their trust so I can work even harder for a total overthrow. So that all the healthy forces in our country that want an end to the current arrogant and ...
The fund will focus on a number of sectors, such as technology, telecommunications, transport, logistics, shipping, healthcare, tourism and others, both in Greece and internationally. The ...
Έτοιμος να φορέσει τη φανέλα της ΑΕΚ είναι ο Ουριέλ Αντούνα όπως τουλάχιστον υποστηρίζουν οι Μεξικανοί. Ο 26χρονος ...
«Είμαι υποψήφιος και θα κερδίσω πάλι» τις προεδρικές εκλογές, δήλωσε απόψε ο πρόεδρος των ΗΠΑ Τζο Μπάιντεν. Ο 81χρονος ...
Ξεκινούν από σήμερα οι αιτήσεις συμμετοχής για νέες προσλήψεις προσωπικού αναφορικά με την κάλυψη 34 θέσεων εργασίας. Η ...
Συνεχίζεται η διαδικασία υποβολής αιτήσεων, για 54 μόνιμες προσλήψεις στη ΣΤΑΣΥ. Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι καλούνται να υποβάλουν την ...