Kylie Mohr is a freelance environmental journalist and a correspondent at the magazine High Country News. She focuses on ...
Spend enough time eating hiking food, and you might start gagging at the very thought of a peanut-butter tortilla roll-up.
Kylie Mohr is a freelance environmental journalist and a correspondent at the magazine High Country News. She focuses on covering wildfire, wildlife and wild places in the West. Her work appears in ...
The Tour starts on Saturday, and there are dozens of interesting subplots to follow. Articles editor Fred Dreier has a short ...
Panoramas, waterfalls, and other natural wonders await you on these quick, rewarding routes chosen by our national-parks ...
Immerse yourself in awe-inspiring landscapes, geological wonders, and cultural experiences closely tied to the land in The ...
After spending her infant years ascending New Hampshire’s 4,000-foot peaks in a carrier, Lydia Pearson recently accomplished ...
Brendan Leonard has written a weekly column at his website since February 2011, along with being a regular ...
Midway through Sasha DiGiulian’s new eighty-minute HBO sports documentary, “Here to Climb,” she expresses one of the film’s ...
Asheville products and Editors’ Choice Award winners, the Explore Asheville booth served up gear for every adventurer ...
Many U.S. graveyards are in spectacular settings. We shy away from going to them, but they're beautiful outdoor places meant ...
Crushing your summer workout isn’t just about mental fortitude or a high heat tolerance—what you wear can seriously impact performance, too. Clothing that wicks moisture, shields harsh rays ...