A hospital is to be included in an NHS roll-out of a new rule allowing patients and their families to seek a second opinion ...
Now that Robert Jenrick has been re-elected as Newark’s MP, his rival candidates have promised that this isn’t the end.
A Year six school cricket team has secured their spot in the East Midlands Regional Finals. The St Peter’s Cross Keys Church ...
This week a rollicking and joyous new musical comedy will bring all of Dolly Parton’s biggest hits together in a night to ...
Newark Business Awards is to return to its original home for next year’s ceremony. The 2025 ceremony will take place at The ...
A man known to markets for over 20 years will start trading at Newark Market offering each visitor a quirky and ‘surprise’ ...
The following planning applications have been submitted to Newark and Sherwood District Council for decision: Balderton: ...
A man who fraudulently charged a pensioner with dementia more than £40,000 for carrying out minor work on his garden has been ...
When 30 Days Wild, the UK’s biggest nature challenge went live back in June 2015, it aimed to be a mass participation event ...
Over 50 best-selling, award-winning artists and renowned authors will make their way to Newark’s line up at a popular ...
Next Thursday, on July 11, Newark Wellbeing walks will be starting from the YMCA Community and Activity Village on Lord Hawke ...
Tina Canton, of Coddington, and her 12-year-old gelding Bannagh Romeo — known as George — have been selected for British ...