A cliché about the Catholic Church in Japan is that it’s small, and bound to get smaller, based on the country’s overall ...
The proposal is nearly $2.7 billion less than Biden’s proposal, leaving out his requests for funding for climate hubs, pay ...
The Massachusetts state government this week announced what it billed as a “first-in-the-nation” effort to discredit — and ...
Led by Archbishop Samuel Aquila of Denver, the procession began with a Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception.
The Catholic bishops of the United States are inviting Catholics to observe a week dedicated to prayer, reflection, and ...
Among the topics discussed, the Holy Father referred to the identity of the priest and the beauty of being priests.
TABORA, Tanzania — One of Africa’s newest cardinals affirmed that the people of his continent will play a leading role in the ...
The French bishops had criticized the country’s efforts to legalize assisted suicide. France's President Emmanuel Macron (C) ...
Long before she became a prominent legal scholar, diplomat, and adviser to popes, Mary Ann Glendon underwent a life-changing ...
Every loss of a loved one brings pain and sadness, but through our faith in Jesus Christ comes the hope to one day be ...
The draft document also states a desire to support Indigenous Catholic communities as they unite to the sacramental life of ...
In 1899, Pope Leo XIII promulgated Annum Sacrum, an encyclical calling for the world’s consecration to the Sacred Heart of ...