A bridge that collapsed 2,000 years ago in what is now Switzerland may have fallen on Celtic sacrifice victims, a new study ...
Gender and sex are more complicated than X and Y chromosomes. Gender reveal parties are best known as celebrations involving ...
If there's life on Jupiter's moon Europa or Saturn's moon Enceladus, it could have a network of deep-sea hydrothermal vents ...
China's Chang'e 6 mission return capsule has been transferred to Beijing and opened to access its precious cargo — samples ...
The unique shape of an ear bone belonging to a Neanderthal child found in a cave in Spain suggests that she had Down syndrome ...
A new multiwavelength 3D visualization of the iconic "Pillars of Creation" showcases the differences between Hubble and James ...
The diversity of even the largest animals depends on the smallest factors. Scientists have identified and named over a ...
From polar bears cracking jokes to a grizzly bear mama sick of giving piggy-back rides, Nikon reveals its best entries so far ...
The solar system has many more moons than the one we can see in the sky. But how many do we actually know about? And how many ...
Engineers say they have created a design for a robot capable of jumping 400 feet into the air — and it could one day be ...
Tasselled wobbegong sharks are so well camouflaged they can vanish on the seafloor, waiting for unsuspecting prey to pass ...
Many people are familiar with the sharp pain that can strike beneath your rib cage during exercise. But what causes it? We've ...