Picture yourself in a checkout line that hasn’t moved for 10 minutes. Many of us would feel frustrated; we want quick results. Everyone struggles with some degree of impatience. We’re born with this ...
Is it possible to draw closer to the Father through our doubts? The life of Job suggests an answer. Verse 15 of today’s passage is key to understanding his mindset: “Though He slay me, I will hope in ...
In the season of upheaval described in today’s reading, God clearly specified how the people of Israel could be saved from their enemy. They were under threat from Assyria, and God said to wait on His ...
You’ve probably heard the old saying “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Pictures communicate in ways that words cannot, and they’re often helpful in reinforcing a message. Baptism is like ...
At the end of the book of Job, God grants His servant peace and more than restores his fortunes. We see that the Lord has been paying attention to him all along, even when the opposite seemed to be ...
Think back to when you were a child. Do you remember imitating an older person you looked up to? It’s common for children to adopt mannerisms, speech patterns, and ideas of people they admire, but in ...
In his second letter to Timothy, Paul charged his disciple to preach the Word and to correct and rebuke with great patience (4:2). A pastor could hardly have a more difficult assignment than this, ...
Job likely never imagined that his questions for God might be turned around on him in a litany of questions from God. Beginning with verse 4 of today’s passage, what the Lord asked revealed His power ...
Has God given you a vision that is as yet unfulfilled? Has He assigned you a task that remains incomplete, though you’ve done everything you know to do? The “gaps” the Lord creates in our life are ...
Colorful garments, ornate stitching, gold and precious stones—the priests of ancient Israel were dressed in a manner we might find surprisingly showy, especially if we assume it’s “holy” or “spiritual ...
Scripture calls us to encourage, help, and get along with others— but most of us know at least one person with whom we have more conflict than comfort. Discord can take many forms: Personalities may ...
Some Christians have a hard time with the doctrine of grace. They think, It just seems too easy to say, “Believe in Jesus and you’re accepted no matter what you do.” To please God, shouldn’t believers ...