What the report does not reveal is that a central component of this assault on democracy is the targeting of women political ...
The extent of tax avoidance today is mind-boggling. The current system allows companies and wealthy individuals to “shelter” ...
At the same time, a new outbreak of mpox is alarming epidemiologists in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Although the ...
As a conservative realist, Trump should be clearheaded about what really matters to Washington and avoid steps that might ...
ERIC BREWER is a Deputy Vice President for the Nuclear Threat Initiative’s Nuclear Materials Security Program. He has served ...
Since 1996, all of Taiwan’s elected presidents have at some point during their time in office declared that theirs is a ...
The primary aim of wolf warrior diplomacy was to disarm foreign critics through public confrontations, often using ...
The notion of an endless war in Ukraine terrifies Russia’s elite, who still hope that the invasion will conclude. They dream ...
Trump has been vocal about his desire to prioritize America’s narrow self-interest and do less to help U.S. partners. And yet ...
Xi would know. His father, Xi Zhongxun, was a high-level Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official whose own career was a ...
Nine months of Israeli air and ground combat operations in Gaza have not defeated Hamas, nor is Israel close to vanquishing ...
As I argued in Foreign Affairs last fall, the Palestinian national movement’s leadership must unite under the auspices of the ...