As a conservative realist, Trump should be clearheaded about what really matters to Washington and avoid steps that might ...
The notion of an endless war in Ukraine terrifies Russia’s elite, who still hope that the invasion will conclude. They dream ...
The primary aim of wolf warrior diplomacy was to disarm foreign critics through public confrontations, often using ...
Trump has been vocal about his desire to prioritize America’s narrow self-interest and do less to help U.S. partners. And yet ...
The current level of upheaval in Africa is staggering but not unprecedented. It recalls another period of turmoil and ...
ERIC BREWER is a Deputy Vice President for the Nuclear Threat Initiative’s Nuclear Materials Security Program. He has served ...
Nine months of Israeli air and ground combat operations in Gaza have not defeated Hamas, nor is Israel close to vanquishing ...
Since the end of World War II, the dollar has been the leading international currency in every respect—as a unit of account, ...
As I argued in Foreign Affairs last fall, the Palestinian national movement’s leadership must unite under the auspices of the ...
It takes a leap of faith for people to believe in the unseen in a world that tells them that everything must be “rational.” ...
Behind this consensus that credibility is important, however, lies a great deal of uncertainty about how it is established, ...