Given Iran's dire economic situation and the extensive influence of the clerics over its political system, not much change ...
The obstacles to connecting policy to the classroom are considerable, especially amid funding issues, but difficult doesn't ...
By fostering the ‘evidence mindset’ in technology organizations targeting education, funders can positively impact millions of learners worldwide, writes Natalia Kucirkova.
Social isolation and chronic loneliness are on the rise among workers the world over, especially among remote workers, writes ...
Liberalism is in crisis, partly due to a collective action problem arising from the lack of a hegemonic power to guide the ...
Despite some successes, the goals set by UNESCO's 2022 Transforming Education Summit will remain unfulfilled promises without substantial investment and a clear vision, writes Aida Ridanovic.
The EU and U.S. have been actively courting long–time Russian ally Tajikistan, but China is more likely to crowd out Russia from Tajikistan than is the West.
As the world experiences increasing rates of disaster, access to early warning systems continues to lag behind, according to Gallup data.
Houthi authorities, taking advantage of the world’s attention being diverted elsewhere, have used this moment to exercise ...
To sustain and accelerate progress, a holistic approach addressing both successes and hurdles is imperative, writes Euan ...
The world seems poised to replace paper higher education credentials with digital forms of skills recognition as the ultimate ...