The clock is ticking toward the Big Pick – who is Trump going to select to be his veep nominee? Usually, we would find out ...
John Fetterman recently went on Bill Maher’s show and answered the question everyone’s been wondering…”what happened to the ...
Olha Holynska and her six-year-old daughter Sofia arrived by train in what was for them an exciting event August 19, 2023. On ...
The larger lesson is seldom learned. It is easy to burn down a barn. Building a barn that will endure rain, sleet, wind, hail ...
The political promises made to voters create uncertainty about the future, the promises kept inevitably create the drain on ...
Help Townhall report on Biden's failed foreign policy and endangerment of American national security. Join Townhall VIP and ...
Retail investors, non-professionals who buy funds and securities for their personal accounts, are playing an increasingly ...
But for the Biden Administration, such failures call for a promotion. That’s why Julie Su currently presides over the U.S.
In 1978, Pope John Paul II became leader of the Roman Catholic Church. In 1979, Jimmy Carter accused Americans of suffering ...
Once again, however, the Biden administration found a convenient and private-sector scapegoat. It has unleashed the power of ...
Talk about gaslighting and projection. Oh, yeah -- there's plenty of "authoritarianism and non-democratic" activity going on ...
Quite the difference two weeks make. When Donald Trump received his convictions, the press was filled with contempt, scorn, ...