Washington National Opera has ended its 2023–24 season with an odd revisiting of Giacomo Puccini’s last, unfinished, and, it ...
His hair and beard are white, his long working-man’s blouse is white, his stone benches and large round table are white, the ...
In two years, 2026, the United States will celebrate the two hundred fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence ...
On Tiffany, Swan Lake, Edwin Lutyens, Independence Day & more from the world of culture.
For the past seven months, the latter has housed an extensive two-hundred-plus-object exhibition, “Imagined Fronts: The Great ...
Whatever the reasons, the two camps settled on a day and a week when the Supreme Court will be handing down a series of ...
A gleam of straightforward color meets you upon entering “Loggia,” an exhibition of Kim Uchiyama’s paintings at Helm ...
I’ll admit it. Until a couple of weeks ago, I had never heard of the garden designer Mien Ruys (1904–99). I was not entirely ...
He was being living every day. In a way he was needing to be certain he was being living every day he was being living. He ...
The chief glory of a woman is not to be talked about,” notes Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase in Our American Queen, the ...
Jay Nordlinger, The New Criterion ’s music critic, talks music—but, more important, plays music.
Recently, thirteen bronze sculptures appeared in Venice, marching single file down Saint Mark’s Square in half-moon wigs and ...