If you relaxed your self-care and beauty standards a little (or a lot) during the pandemic, I have a challenge for you. Let's ...
And, I’ll for sure be looking for my share of flowers, balloons, and candy, but I also want to pose a challenge to you this ...
It is often the case that issues related to low self-esteem become more evident in the context of an intimate relationship.
By Catherine Pearson Leer en español Welcome to Well’s 5-Day Friendship Challenge! This week ... the case for something many of us have a love-hate relationship with: texting.
With that in mind, I decided to attempt my own walking challenge, walking 30 minutes every day for a month ... and let your body learn to love moving again, one step at a time.
A challenge can capture our attention like a disco ball in a packed nightclub. Life is chaotic and stressful—and that 30-day yoga challenge ... but even people who love the structure of a ...
Winners have just been announced for Hackaday’s Earth Day Challenge. We were on the lookout ... Based around a 100 uF 30 F capacitor, it uses an AEM10941 energy harvesting chip which includes ...
In a time where social media often dictates our self-worth and body image, a local photography studio is helping encourage ...
Many people are conscious of an inner voice that provides a running monologue on their lives throughout the day ... that hug the people I love.” How to Change Your Self-Talk Even harsh self ...
We both love college basketball. We’re both Americans ... that I did and the same thing that his predecessors did before.