Can you remember your last in-person exam? You're waiting outside the venue with your identification, pens and back-up pens.
How can we advance cutting-edge research but consume less energy? CERN's scientists are working on innovative solutions, and ...
If you scroll through the average student's digital textbook or reading, you will probably see multi-colored streaks ...
One of the key metrics for climate modeling is radiative forcing. Most climate models, including the general circulation ...
Businesses are keenly aware that consumers value ethical business practices, including the protection of biodiversity, and ...
People living in southern Australia won't have failed to notice how cold it is. Frosty nights and chilly days have been the ...
A research team from Japan, including scientists from Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE 6501, Hitachi), Kyushu University, RIKEN, and HREM ...
The naming process, the act of naming the items of the world, is as old as the first words spoken by our ancestors. We can ...
Researchers from Nagoya University in Japan have uncovered how the yellow fever mosquito and Asian tiger mosquito distinguish ...
June 25 2024 marked a new "first" in the history of spaceflight. China's robotic Chang'e 6 spacecraft delivered samples of ...
Agroecology—a science, practice, and movement that seeks social, political, economic, and environmental sustainability in the ...
To date, little has been known about people living in north-western Saudi Arabia during the Neolithic—the period ...