In 1899, Pope Leo XIII promulgated Annum Sacrum, an encyclical calling for the world’s consecration ... days there be added ...
Anne Frank was elated upon hearing news of the D-Day invasion on June 6, 1944. "Friends are on the way," the teenager wrote ...
Pope Francis has gathered the Israeli and Palestinian ambassadors to the Vatican Gardens to pray for an end to the war in ...
Kershaw spoke about his newest book, how faith and ego intertwined that winter in 1944, and how the Battle of the Bulge ...
On this day 80 years ago, Allied forces came by sea, by plane and by parachute to liberate western Europe from Nazi Germany ...
God's richest blessings rest upon our boys," one woman told a Tallahassee Democrat editor. Then she added: "My boy's over ...
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower recorded a speech broadcast in Europe on D-Day but it's the text of his Order of the Day from June ...
Allied forces invaded the shores of Normandy, France, in what became world renown as D-Day, a phenomenal military undertaking ...
Shaft / CC BY-SA 2.0/Wikimedia Commons) Daniel Payne/CNA World June 10 ... this fire will remain in the prayers of the ...
The pope’s prayers were conveyed in a written message to ... and fidelity to Jesus Christ and his Church. Four Chaplains Day, ...
Under a white tent on the grounds of the National D-Day Memorial at 11 a.m. Sunday, a crowd of more than 100 people took part ...