Carl Sagan, the great American astronomer and scientist, in his famous book Cosmos (1980) states: “Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people, citizens of ...
The results from early studies have been compelling as far as proving handwriting can be a useful tool to boost productivity.
Writing for different purposes and audiences must be tailored to demands inherent in the disciplines themselves. Regardless of one’s chosen major, a DePauw education emphasizes the importance of ...
Getting over writer’s block is one important aspect of being a writer. You have to keep writing and shouldn’t put any restrictions while writing. You have to keep writing and editing and be a critique ...
Critical reading and writing are important skills to help you draw out key information from a text and use it critically in your own writing. Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) is a useful way to think ...
Nicol as the author found herself learning an immense amount during the writing process — including that pragmatism is a way ...
Each of those guides recommends that journalists should avoid using the first person—the “I”—in news writing so as to provide ...
Effective scholarly writing requires a narrative arc. This is what elevates academic research into a work that is coherent, compelling and engaging. So, help your students understand the power in ...
The true locus of the President’s humiliation onstage was not his misbegotten words but the sorry pictures he made with his ...
For appellate practitioners, it involves honing their brief-writing skills to craft persuasive arguments ... In an environment where most appeals are decided on the papers, the importance of ...