Summer reading programs are designed to help children maintain or improve the reading skills they developed during the school ...
It wasn't until her two children had grown up that Margaret Morrison Roeth found enough spare time to craft the kind of ...
If consciousness is universal and the universe is fine-tuned for life, Philip Goff argues, then there must be a ...
Discover some of the greatest book series of all time for when one story just isn’t enough. See the must-read series that have inspired films and fandom today.
Now, Colfer has set out to challenge the general perception of extraterrestrials ... Dav Pilkey's Dog Man Is Back for Another ...
Book publishing trends keep evolving as the technology shapes the industry and self-publishing shifts, presenting both ...
Christina Matekel-Gibson: 'Papá’s Magical Water-Jug Clock' would be great start to summer reading adventure ...
we’ve rounded up the best book-to-film adaptations of the year. There are comedies, adventures, thrillers ... Paul fights the ...
A federal ruling is blocking enforcement of a law that forces schools to remove books with sexual content from libraries. An appeals court will decide if that injunction stays in place.
Eddie and Elliott, the eaglets from Dungeness, continue to find the spotlight five years after falling from their nest in ...
Griffin Dunne's new memoir, “The Friday Afternoon Club, A Family Memoir,” out Tuesday from Penguin Press, is filled with ...
The Smurfs global license holder IMPS has announced it is rebranding as Peyo Company after the pen name of Belgian comic book ...