Wisconsin football’s annual ‘Squat Fest’ is back for the second consecutive season. That fact was made clear Friday morning ...
Use the Olympics as inspiration to master athletic movements with functional exercises to improve mobility, build strength ...
Collins began ‘Squat Fest’ back at Cincinnati, evolving it each year from just a max-out day in the weight room to a circled ...
Skeptics took the Badgers' workout/spectacle to task last summer. Here's why the second iteration carried on despite outside ...
Loud music. Lights strobing. Screams and cheers echoing through the weight room. Here are the sights and sounds during the ...
However, mastering a deep squat—where your thighs are parallel to the floor or even lower at the bottom of the movement—can be tricky. Our hips are super mobile when we’re young (think about ...
The barbell squat is one of the main lifts that many want to nail their technique on, newbie and seasoned lifter alike. However, being able to move the weight from A to B is one thing, to do it ...
Please verify your email address. The Carolina squat trend involves modifying trucks to lift the front end and lower the rear, inspired by Baja racing. The trend started in California but became ...
‘Primarily, the squat challenges your legs,’ explains Abi Dewberry, master trainer at Best’s Bootcamp. ‘But, executed correctly, it will challenge your bum, back and core, too.’ Form is ...
The upright position of the sumo squat means that more work is placed on the legs rather than the lower back. With the right load, this can be more suitable for those who struggle with lower back ...