Chambers emphasises getting the perfect range of motion and 'really hitting that depth so the hamstrings of your leading leg ...
If you've done a strength workout before, there's a good chance it involved lunges, especially if the sweat session was ...
A personal trainer and strength coach outlines 10 of the worst exercises for bad knees and 10 better alternatives.
"The lunge or single leg movement pattern will focus on the quads and glutes whilst the rest of the body works to balance you. For example a Bulgarian Split Squat [where one leg is elevated] will ...
Love them or hate them, Bulgarian split squats are one of the most efficient bodyweight ... the back leg can continue ...
Lunges might seem like a simple movement, but so many people find them difficult. Here, a personal trainer explains why the lower-body movement can be so challenging. If there’s one exercise I ...
Combine a good morning with a back squat and you’ve got Kang squats — one of the toughest squat variations to master using your bodyweight, dumbbells, kettlebells, plates, or barbells.
As divorce rumours ramp up with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez the singer is putting her energy into exercise. Read the full ...
He split from his brother and bestie in junior hockey ... It was, like, run up and jog back. Lunges up, jog back. Run up, jog ...
"So, now she's up every morning doing lunges and squats, sweating her butt off at the gym," according to a tipster.