The Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled in favor of the Biden administration in a challenge to its alleged coordination with social media companies, saying that the states who sued the administration ...
Dr. Vivek Murthy explained to ABC's Elizabeth Schulze why a warning is needed. Creating a surgeon general's warning for social media is a necessary step to respond to the "defining public health ...
Murthy called Monday for placing tobacco-style warning labels on social media to alert users that the platforms ... that ...
Washington — The Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected a bid from a group of social media users and two states to curtail the Biden administration's efforts to pressure social media companies to ...
The 6-3 decision tossed out a challenge by two states and five social media users and overturned a lower court injunction that would have curtailed interactions between government officials and ...
WASHINGTON −The Supreme Court on Wednesday handed the Biden administration an election-year victory, throwing out a conservative challenge to government efforts to have social media companies ...
“The plaintiffs fail, by and large, to link their past social-media restrictions and the defendants’ communications with the platforms,” Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote in the opinion for ...
The Supreme Court sided with the White House in a challenge to the administration’s efforts to curb disinformation on social media. In a 6-3 ruling, the justices ruled that two states and five ...
Dr. Vivek Murthy said he would urge Congress to require a warning that social media use can harm teenagers’ mental health.
The Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected challenges to Biden administration officials’ communications with social media companies aimed at combating misinformation online. The 6-3 decision does ...
Barrett contended that that social media platforms have, “for years,” targeted false and misleading speech, pointing to false claims about elections being debunked as early as 2016 and public ...