Chambers emphasises getting the perfect range of motion and 'really hitting that depth so the hamstrings of your leading leg ...
Perform eight to 12 lunges on each side. "This exercise targets the same muscles as the box jump (glutes, quads) while taking ...
By the end of the workout, your leg muscles should feel pretty cooked and your hips and glutes stretched and lengthened.
If you've done a strength workout before, there's a good chance it involved lunges, especially if the sweat session was ...
From specialized squats and side lunges to deadlifts, these exercises will get your thighs right for the summer.
A personal trainer and strength coach outlines 10 of the worst exercises for bad knees and 10 better alternatives.
Balance is important at every stage of life, especially for maintaining independence as you age. Try these dumbbell balance ...
Certain exercises increase flexibility ... Here's how to do a reverse lunge with a side bend: Start standing with your feet together. Step your right leg back into a reverse lunge, with both ...
Want a lunge variation that ... Repeat on the opposite side. Continue alternating legs for 60 seconds. Named after ...
Trainer Sandy Brockman developed this butt workout for WH readers to target the gluteus medius. Hitting this muscle is key ...
Pool exercises are a great way to stay fit and beat the heat while soaking up the sunshine and enjoying the refreshing water ...
The squat rack isn't the only piece of exercise equipment that will help you build a stronger lower body. Dumbbell only ...