I wondered how I would ever start to understand or even memorize the Scripture.I know I am not alone here. Starting to read ...
What are some of the timeless financial principles found in the Bible? Discover the true wealth in Scripture beyond financial ...
Picking a good verse or passage in the Bible isn’t hard. It’s full of wisdom for someone in nearly every walk of life. Picking a favorite can be tough for ...
A Scott County man is suing his former employer for allegedly firing him after he wore Christian-themed T-shirts to work in ...
A couple of weeks ago a writer at the Federalist blog faulted Dolly Parton for ascribing her loving attitude toward all her ...
Mathematical theorems are universal truths about numbers, geometric figures, and other mathematical objects. When words like ...
In Part 1, Jesus quoted Isaiah, the influential Hebrew prophet, with passages relating to the Messianic prophecies about His ...
The YouVersion Bible App provides an easy way for those who have dyslexia to understand scripture. The app’s OpenDyslexic ...
A Gutenberg Bible is not your ordinary book. The first major work printed in Europe with moveable metal type by the mid-1450s gradually led to a massive multiplication of biblical ...
Ray Ortland shares how recording the entire ESV Bible reawakened him to the incredible power and authority of the sixty-six books that make up our Bible.
Oklahoma's Department of Education ordered every teacher in the state to have a Bible in their classroom and to teach from it, in an announcement on Thursday that challenges U.S. Supreme Court rulings ...