‘My kids are always happy and thriving, they are always singing and dancing, they are much happier now they eat more raw ...
She cut out lots of her favourite foods, like cheesy pasta and bacon sandwiches, opting to live on raw fruits like mangos and avocado instead. Now she follows a strict vegan diet and is making ...
Stop if you want to avail the benefits of the diet you are following. Many vegan foods that are loaded with probiotics. Here we list a few that you can easily incorporate into your diet.
So prolific is this new year diet deluge from the seemingly rich and questionably famous that The British Diabetic Association (BDA) has taken it upon itself to release a list of celebrity diets ...
Pam Johal, 46, is a raw vegan ... foods, like cheesy pasta and bacon sandwiches, opting to live on mangos and avocado instead. Now her children - Georgie, seven and Henry, six - have adopted the diet.
She also claims her unusual diet helps her kids to 'behave better' as 'food is highly linked with behaviour'. As a raw vegan, Pam only eats uncooked fruit and vegetables and has done so for the last ...
She also claims it "makes them behave better" as "food is highly linked with behaviour". Pam Johal, 47, from Southampton has been a raw vegan for the last four years, meaning she only eats uncooked ...