Six Sandy Hook survivors, who were first graders in 2012 when a gunman killed 20 children and six adults at their school in ...
Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship has declined to elaborate on the stunning decision of its influential leader, Pastor Tony Evans, ...
I honestly think we haven't come to the end of the debate over life: We've come to the end of the beginning,’ Pence said.
Never had so many Americans prayed together, led neither by a priest nor pastor, but by the president of the United States.
Kershaw spoke about his newest book, how faith and ego intertwined that winter in 1944, and how the Battle of the Bulge ...
Evangelical leader Franklin Graham this week asked his followers to pray after the man whom he supports for president was ...
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich joined Sean Hannity to issue a dire warning about the Democrat Party. It’s no ...
"Renew our hearts and minds, so that the word which always brings us together will be 'brother,' and our way of life will ...
The Ardmore community came together on Friday after a shooting on Memorial Day. Although the community is shaken by what ...
Four American university tutors have been “brutally stabbed” in a rare attack as they visited a temple in a public park in ...
Debates about immigration and borders are simply part of American political life ... June 26: India Catholics are urged to ...
Saint Nikolai (Velimirovich) was born in the small village of Lelich in western Serbia on Jan. 4, 1881. He graduated from ...