Explore the literary and poetic genius of Maya Angelou. Enjoy her most famous poems created with powerful words and inspiring ...
She penned this poem, sometimes called "First Day," about the speaker's poignant regret ... journey or read a few short love ...
A blend of the material and the spiritual is the political horizon, and this is also poetry’s arena—but it is not grim. I ...
It might not have seemed like it at the time, but all those schoolyard rhymes you memorized as a kid were poems in disguise.
I can’t say I was a bad student in high school, just not interested. Any subject other than my Ag class was an inconvenience ...
These unpublished treasures of my father’s are sure to strike a chord amongst those readers whose hearts wander among the ...
The poem is a poem about time, two types of time. Continuous time and frozen time. The dog’s time and my life’s time. The ...
There are two Roger McGoughs. This is not a metaphor. When I turn up at his house in south-west London, the poet is beside ...
Fink was to recite Elizabeth Barret Browning’s poem, "How do I love thee, let me count the ways" And I have to tell .you, his delivery was one of the finest performances I’ve ever seen. I didn’t read ...
Poetry saves veterans’ lives. I have edited veterans’ poetry for a national magazine called Veterans’ Voices ... A vet writes, ”Let me help you;/you’re not alone.” ...
Wild thing. You made my yard sing. You made everything groovy. Except, of course, when you flew into my face and died ...
To that end, a few pages after “Adam” the poem, one encounters what seems to me the strongest poem in ... That’s why I’ve called them wrong,” Carson is quoted as saying on Wrong Norma ...