June 30 marks Asteroid Day, a holiday observed annually to reflect on the prospect of a planet-destroying space rock striking ...
The United Nations has designated June 30 as International Asteroid Day. That’s the date of the Tunguska Event ... hazard ...
Within 42 hours of each other, the pair of large asteroids, which both have no chance of impacting our planet, will approach ...
I pick out North America’s celestial highlights for the week ahead. From July 1-7, there's a chance to observe the moon, Mars ...
The smaller of the pair was spotted only this month and could be visible with binoculars as it passes by our planet within ...
It’s estimated to be between 120 to 260 meters in size. It was first observed on June 16, and will fly by our planet on June ...
Did you know that asteroids and meteors hit Earth almost every day? However, these are not a cause for worry as they usually ...
The fly-by is perfectly timed to coincide with International Asteroid Day on June 30. The day, also supported by the United ...
Five asteroids will pass Earth in the days before International Asteroid Day on Sunday. But don’t worry — scientists say none ...
Dave Roberts and Kristine Hengl’s Planet Earth new-wave night built its community with a message board run by gay writer and ...
While one of these two asteroids has been observed for over 13 years, the other was only discovered a couple of weeks before ...
which could mean the length of a day slightly increases. Published this month in Nature, the findings go against previous ...