For a presentation that's sharp, professional, and UAB-branded, utilize the new template below, available in PowerPoint and Keynote versions in standard and widescreen formats. The new, user-friendly ...
If you ever looked for open-source e-readers, you’ve no doubt seen [Joey Castillo]’s Open Book reader, but you might not yet have seen the Abridged version he’s building around a Raspberry ...
Page layout examples and corresponding templates enable customized, do-it-yourself publishing for SCU units and departments. For staff and faculty who wish to create their own print publications or ...
Click the PowerPoint file that contains the different template and then click “Open” in the dialog box to display the slides in the Reuse Slides pane. Click the slide in the left pane where ...
Open Access (OA) is emerging as a new model for book publishing. We support OA books in line with our commitment to exploring publishing models that are financially sustainable, scalable and in ...
[Joey] has been working on what he calls the “The Open Book Project” for a few months now, and he’s just recently announced that the first reader has been successfully assembled and powered up.
You can't add your PowerPoint document to iBooks directly ... Once you have iTunes open, click "Books" on the left sidebar and drag the PDF file into your library from your file manager.
Cicero, Against Verres, 2.1.53–86: Latin Text with Introduction, Study Questions, Commentary and English Translation OPEN ACCESS 2011 Cicero, On Pompey's Command (De Imperio), 27-49: Latin Text, Study ...
Here's how you can access it: It's important to keep in mind, though, that while you're free to use this web version of ...
We offer authors the option of publishing their work as open access to allow them to make their works freely available online without compromising any aspect of the publishing process. Typically, we ...
There are a growing number of options for making monographs, edited collections, textbooks and book chapters open access. Open access books benefit from increased visibility and impact, provide access ...