S HAH ALAM - July 10 marks Global Energy Independence Day, advocating for reduced reliance on non-renewable energy sources ...
"Who could have colonized a great country like America?" That's what this Ghanaian thought when his American wife told him it ...
After Mahathir’s Ketuanan Melayu. ‘Political Islam’ followed. Now we don’t even sit in the same kopitiam much less at the ...
Nothing brings out the patriotism in us like Independence Day, and nobody loves the red, white and blue like country music stars. Everyone from the legendary Johnny Cash to Charlie Daniels ...
But the Declaration of Independence was not wiped from existence ... it’s worth rereading that beautiful document on this day, and as the two-and-a-half century anniversary fast approaches ...
(Here are some of the winning songs over the years.) Niger’s independence day, commemorating the end of French colonial rule, coincides with its National Arbor Day, which encourages Nigeriens to ...
Two-hundred-forty-eight years ago, representatives in the Continental Congress met in Philadelphia and adopted their Declaration of Independence. It expressed frustration and anger with the ...
Independence Day commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, but it took a long time to evolve to the widespread celebration it is now. On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental ...
Hey there, Short List readers! 👋 Laura here. Happy Independence Day! We’re taking a break from our regular news rundown today to celebrate the holiday. Enjoy! And I hope you have a safe ...
WASH., D.C. — The nation’s capital’s annual Independence Day Parade drew large crowds despite the region experiencing one of the earliest heat waves in its history. America’s National ...
who had helped lead Ghana to independence in 1957. In his Independence Day speech Nkrumah stated that the independence of Ghana is meaningless "unless it is linked up with the total liberation of ...